3 Easy Ways to Market Your Vet For Free
Managing and working in vets can get pretty hectic. Keep reading to find out how you can save time and money on your marketing today.
Vet Marketing Services is here to help. We know that clinics can get busy and that time simply disappears. Here are three cheap and easy ways to market your Australian vet.
1. User-generated content
If you’re like other vets in Australia, you’re probably posting content about cats and dogs that come through your centre and sharing success stories. If you’re not - you should be because it’s a great way to market your clinic for free and get your customers involved.
It builds relationships with your customers and reputation for you. Win-win right? But why not improve on it a little bit?
User-generated content can be acquired at any time. Particularly when there are events happening around you or you’re hosting them.
Each month there are national holidays and events - for example, August is dental health month. To celebrate the month, you could invite your clinic’s customers to share photos of their dogs smiling.
We all love sharing pictures of our pets. You can use these photos as content to fill your social media feeds or galleries on your website. That’s absolutely free marketing and content that you don’t need to take time out of your day to produce.
Another great idea is to get your clients to check in when at your clinic. Their social media followers/friends will see which clinics that they trust and learn about your services from a reputable source.
2. Google reviews
Google reviews for vets are a great way to build:
Increased leads
More clients
A higher search engine ranking
90% of potential customers read reviews before visiting a business or engaging in service. That includes Aussie vets. And you can’t blame customers for wanting to read a review, that’s their best friend that you’re treating.
On top of that, 91% of customers aged 18-34 consider an online review equally important to a recommendation from a friend or family member.
The easiest way to get reviews is to simply ask for them. You can have your front desk ask after providing services or by reaching out through emails.
That’s absolutely free marketing and with numbers like that, it’s got to be one of the best things an Australian veterinary clinic can do to boost their visitors and get paws through their doors.
Click here to read more about reviews in our tips.
3. Referral programs
Your service is amazing, right? There’s a good chance that your clients think so and are happy to review you online.
But they’re probably happy to help out in more ways than one. As social media group pages have risen, so have local community and pet pages. You’re probably a member of a few of them.
For some (nearly) free marketing, offer discounts to referred customers. If you’re using vet marketing services, you’re probably using our newsletter service. Inside this, you can easily include a referral program to increase your visitors to the clinic.
Try offering incentives like, “Refer a friend for $20 off your next check-up!” in your next campaign.
Learn more about using newsletters for your vet clinic in 7 Reasons Why Your Clinic Needs a Newsletter.
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For more marketing tips, check out our free blogs here and subscribe to our newsletter using the box at the bottom of your page.
If you want some advice on how to market your Australian veterinary clinic, talk to us by calling (07) 5636 3766 or by contacting us online.
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