Tips for Adjusting Your Website for COVID-19
With the ongoing coronavirus pandemic unfolding, it's integral to keep your website updated with any adjustments to your business's operations, not just for the safety of your patients, but for your safety, too. Additionally, for clinics still operating, it's highly recommended you add to your home page or send out an email explaining the cleanliness precautions you are taking for your team and clients so they know it's safe to come in or consult - if you're still taking in person consultations.
We've compiled a list of features that should be on your site if not already:
- Add an alert bar that sits above your navigation menu.
- Your over the phone booking processes, and expectations regarding the disclosure of possible COVID-19 symptoms.
- Whether you're offering video consultation services in lieu of in person visits.
- How many adults you expect to accompany pets at any given time.
- Whether you expect the adult to wait in the car while their pet has a consultation.
- Whether your staff will come to the car to collect the pet.
- If you'll call to discuss treatment plans, rather than discussing face to face.
- How you'll execute the arrangement of paperwork and contactless payment.
- And, if you'll return the pet to the car following the consultation.
Additionally, if you're seeking ways to continue selling your in-clinic products without the face-to-face contact, consider putting them on your website or advertising through social media to encourage continued purchases. If you have a method of delivering these to homes in a cost-effective manner or for a small fee, consider offering that service as well to ensure you're still getting as much business as possible during the crisis.
Asking your clients to adhere to some or all of these rules, benefits everyone involved - and the clinic's overall business.
If you're interested in getting help for any of the above mentioned services, or want to know more, feel free to call us on (07) 5636 3700 for more information, or email us at to talk with one of our vet marketing specialists.
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